Weird and unique Sports of the Olympics

By Rahul Kashyap

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Weird and unique Sports of the Olympics
Plunge for distance
Obstacle Swim
Chorus singing and other art games
Live Pigeon Shooting
Running Deer Shooting

Adding a new sport to today’s Olympic Games can be difficult, as the Olympic program is already so large and diverse, and there are many complexities to adding new sports. But in the earlier Olympic Games, there were many such strange and unusual sports, which today we probably do not even consider as sports. These sports were often added as new ideas and experiments, intended to make the Olympics more interesting and diverse.

Most of these games were only played once and then discarded. Although these sports are no longer part of the Olympic programme, they hold a special place in Olympic history. These games show that in the early days of the Olympics, the definition of games was quite flexible for organizers and there was more scope for new experiments. Another aspect of these Games was that they reflected a variety of ideas and approaches that contributed to the development of the Olympics.

Despite these games being removed, they remain a part of the amazing and diverse history of the Olympics and continue to remind us that nothing is ever impossible in the world of sports.

Plunge for distance

The Plunge for Distance was a swimming competition held in the 19th and early 20th centuries. In this, the contestants used to jump while standing in the water and without swimming, they would go as far as they could in the water only with the help of their speed.

There was no swimming move in this game. Players simply had to move forward in the water for 60 seconds or until their motion stopped. The one who covered the longest distance became the winner. The sport was included in the 1904 Olympics, but did not become very popular because it was not very physically demanding or enjoyable to watch. Today it is just a unique part of swimming history.

Obstacle Swim

Obstacle swim was a swimming competition in which swimmers had to cross obstacles (such as ropes, wooden bridges or boats) in water. In this game, along with swimming, the skill of crossing obstacles was also seen. This competition originated in the 1900 Olympics, in which athletes had to pass under or over obstacles while swimming. However, this sport was later removed from the Olympics.

It was a unique and fun swimming sport, but did not become very popular.

Chorus singing and other art games

Chorus singing means when several people sing a song together. In this, everyone’s voices together create beautiful music. It is like teamwork, where everyone plays their part properly. Similarly, other art games are also very fun. Like drama acting, in which people act together and tell the story through their acting. In a painting competition, everyone makes beautiful paintings from their imagination. In Dance Battle, people show their skills by dancing solo or in groups. In storytelling, people tell stories through their voice and gestures. All these games and activities enhance our creativity as well as strengthen teamwork and self-confidence.


Roque is a game that is a modified and shortened version of Croquet. It is played on a hard surface (such as concrete), in which players hit balls with a wooden hammer to make them pass through small rings (wickets).

Roque was included in the 1904 Olympic Games, but did not become very popular and was later removed from the Olympics. This game was mainly played in America. The game demands not only skill but also the use of strategy. However, this game is rarely played today.

Live Pigeon Shooting

Another controversial sport at the 1900 Paris Olympics was target shooting of pigeons. About 300 pigeons were killed in this sport. Subsequently, due to animal rights protests, clay pigeons were used in the next Olympics.

Running Deer Shooting

Another strange game at the 1908 London Olympics was shooting at cutout deer. In this, shots were taken after covering a distance of 75 feet. Sweden’s Oscar Swan won the gold medal in this game. This game was later removed.

These games made the Olympics more interesting, but they will never be played again. Nevertheless, these games will remain a part of Olympic history.

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